Refund policy

We accept return requests within 14 days of delivery. You must notify us via email at within 14 days of your order being delivered that you wish to return your order. You must send us an email containing your order number, as well as the tracking number of your returned order within 21 days of your order being delivered in order to be eligible for a refund. You are responsible for the cost of return shipping.

Your order must be packaged and shipped securely, in its original packaging. You bear the risk that the item could be damaged during transit.

Samples are not eligible for returns or refunds. They are only refundable with the purchase of one full-sized panel or room divider product.

Before your refund can be processed, we must receive your order at the return address provided to you via email. In addition, your order must be in new, unused, and resalable condition in order to receive a full refund. It cannot have any holes, marks, defects, or any aftermarket alterations that would affect its retail value. If the product has been used or damaged, you will not be eligible for a refund. 

Once your order has been received and inspected, if it is free from any damages or signs of use, your refund will be promptly initiated. Your refund will be returned to the same credit card or PayPal account you used for your purchase. You will receive a notification via email as soon as the refund has been initiated. From there, please allow 5-7 business days for the refund to be reflected in your bank account.